Emanuel Jacobi

DESY Zeuthen

Search for non-relativistic monopoles with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory consists of more than 5000 photomultipliers, deployed in an instrumented volume of about 1km^3 of clear antarctic ice at the geographical South Pole. The detection technique is based on Cherenkov light, emitted by charged particles originating from neutrino-nucleon interactions in the ice. The presented work is on the detection of slowly moving particles (non-relativistic GUT magnetic monopoles, Q-Balls and Nuclearites) with the IceCube detector. According to the theory of Rubakov and Callan, magnetic monopoles can catalyze proton decays. Those can be detected within IceCube as electromagnetic cascades along the monopole track. Due to the big detector volume even small monopole fluxes can be measured. The used techniques and the latest status of the ongoing search will be presented in this talk.

- Last modif: Sat 18 Oct 2008 16:25:04 CEST -